I Was Grown from 32 Kids to Over 90 now
Wasanaar, Holland
When Lauryn left Cambodia and adoptions to the USA stopped, her assistant, Mr. Pole, created a school and home for orphans and street children, the Palm Tree Center. I was grown from 32 kids to over 90 now, with international sponsorship. The largest supporters are Raoul and Bettina W., whom I introduced to Mr. Poke and the kids just as their other main source of funding, a monk from Japan, dried up. Raoul imported 9 of the dancers from Palm Tree to Holland for his (30th?) annual birthday barbecue, and they performed for various fundraising events and the barbecue. A great time washad by all! And some awareness - and even a little money! - was raised! With Raoul and Bettina in the picture, the future looks brighter for the Palm Tree kids, growing in their numbers thanks the the added space acquired next door. Plans are even to "clone Mr. Pole" to make a similar center elsewhere in Cambodia.